We're officially in Los Angeles!

Linktree Who? 👀 Earth Day may have just passed but that hasn’t stopped IG from coming for LinkTree’s neck!

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Storyblocks is a video production platform that reimagines stock media to support rapid video creation with a truly unlimited model and easy-to-use tools that help you scale production to exceed your business goals.

Take back creative control with Storyblocks.

Hello Cre8tor Crew! Before you come for us, the newsletter is NOT late, we are on PST time now. Yep we have officially made the cross-country move and the sun is really sunning out here in Cali 😎 

Our team is excited about the relationships we will expand on as well as the new ones we’ll make here in LA. We are in the building! For any LA natives or transplants, please let us know the best spots to eat. We are Taco Mon-Sun kinda ppl. 🌮And if you’re in the area and want to grab coffee, hit us up!

Pod News

Work Smarter Energy. Want to become a content Pro? Well this upcoming webinar is for you! Learn how to repurpose your podcast episodes to have content for days.

Speaking of Podcast Episodes. Check out our latest episode, where LloydnotGeorge reveals the top 3 mistakes he made this month as a Creator…one almost cost him a month of home-cooked meals in real-time 🥴


Linktree Who? 👀 Earth Day may have just passed but that hasn’t stopped IG from coming for LinkTree’s neck! (I know, couldn’t help myself) IG now allows users to natively share up to five links on their profiles. Does it rival the customization abilities of Linktree? Not presently, but for budding creators needing to save a buck this is a cool start and a smart move for IG. Would love to see how it gets more responsive and customizable over time.


The Death of Legacy? It’s official, Voldemort’s Muggle henchman, Elon has retired all legacy check marks from the social platform. Will paying for the blue check mark bring in massive revenue? Nope. Will it help with destabilizing bots and fake accounts? Nope. It’s giving ‘I was on the outside of the club hating because I couldn’t get in, so I bought it and turned it into an internet cafe. Sure the old crowd won’t come, but V-bucks are half-off on Wednesdays.


The Algo Speaks. Okay so on the surface this article is addressing LinkedIn’s plans to fix viral spam, but beyond that, it gives insight on how the algorithm works. A quick tip: Niche-down > Virality. We all know that LinkedIn is a platform creators can capitalize on to secure major relationships and deals, now you can learn exactly how your content can help!


Supreme Court Heat. YouTube is waiting on a deliberation from the Supreme Court that could affect tons of platforms including ChatGPT. We know how lethal the Supreme Court can be. I would liken it to a gang of babies that like to see things ‘go boom’, but are also insulated from the consequences of any of their actions…I mean the Voting Rights Act is standing in the corner of the room trembling for mercy. Whether these new protections are needed or not isn’t for us to say, but ramifications will most likely be felt by platforms and creators alike.

Written by Ashley George